Glass Cases — Vocalizes the Struggle of Mental Illness in Chemicals

Virality Music
3 min readOct 21, 2021


Glass Cases’ single, Chemicals, is a 4 minute and 23-second track that takes the listener on an emotional rollercoaster of what life is like living in darkness moreover chasing the light. All while bargaining with the never-ending struggle of flesh and soul.

The Intro

The music video starts off with the band driving into the scene, somewhere in rural America. It’s safe to assume they are on the way to a gig or practice. However, it is realized why when the gas tank reads zero. In a sense, the vibe is a little confusing, no words were spoken, but captivating due to trying to figure out what is transpiring.

I’m just doing my best here, with a brain that switches to first gear.

Talk about whiplash! Listening to the chorus, you’d be quick to believe Glass Cases’ was versifying about an unsatisfactory trip. Sadly, this is far from the truth. Imagine driving 65 mph and throwing the gear into first gear. Yeah, it doesn’t sound fun, much less feels safe. Literally speaking, the chorus places you firmly in the shoes of someone wanting to live a normal life but can’t. When the low days come, the urge to feel “high” or better is a chase.

Chemicals Unquestionably Hit Home in the Second Verse

The rhythm changes to a calm, airy atmosphere. The vocals are carefree and tempered. It’s revealed what the chemicals are. Lyrics references serotonin and dopamine. Both are essential for mood regulation. When the ‘gas tank of chemicals” is low, everything stops functioning properly. It is relatively simple to understand that verse two is encompassing the lows of mental disorders.

Every shift in the music signals a different tone including the urge to solicit balance with the soul and consequently, the body. A healthy person is wholesome in all regards, including mental health. The bridge eloquently ties the fundamental conflict of disturbances, due to the imbalance of chemicals, and corporal well-being of feeling fine.

The Rundown

Overall, Chemicals define what is normal for someone with a mental illness. In this particular composition, bipolar is expressed beside swift fluctuations in tone, lyrics, and tempo. Subsequent to the music video: the perception of Glass Cases’ message is loud and clear! Your mental health matters and when it becomes severe, keep moving forward.

Kudos to the Glass Cases with their latest release: Chemicals. Press play to view it for yourself.

Chemicals are on all major streaming and audio platforms.

Love Chemicals?

Check out their catalog of music and learn more about Glass Cases here:



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